
I enjoy designing for the World Wide Web because it presents a number of creative challenges. User interface must be combined with information architecture all the while maintaining a visual aesthetic that reflects the client's intent and identity. Each web page is an amalgam of technologies that allow for the unique expression of information within the constraints dictated by the medium: standards, compatibility, accessibility, and document sizes.

In order to achieve a unique visual experience, I seek to free the design from the inherent rectilinearity of the browser viewport by introducing curvilinear elements and not allowing the edges of the window to dictate the form. Two of my earliest site designs demonstrate this principle:

Meyer Levin WebpageMeyer Levin
North Canyon IB Class of '99 WebsiteIB Class of '99

Some of my more recent web projects involved designing for server-side databases. The prototype site for an Art Education course reflects the relationship of course components in the styles of selected artists. The site has several databases for maintaining course information and allowing student interaction and evaluation of projects.

ARE 130 Course Site

For the Searchable Video Library, I created a customized interface for the University of Arizona's Virage Video Application Server. I added a great deal of functionality to both the web interface and the server code in order to accommodate student and faculty usage and requests.

SVL WebpageIDML Webpage

In addition to information websites and web applications, I have created a few conceptual art sites such as the award-winning Unawakened.

Presently, I am available for freelance web design work.


server technologies

  • SSI
  • CGI/Perl
  • PHP

sample clients


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web design

Copyright ©2004–2005 Peter Torpey.